Fields of Social Work Practice: With Children and Families

Phramaha Chatchai Phannawajiro Poomjan


Family, in all of its forms and variations, is the foundational unit of society. The family rears and socializes children, provides a base of support and identity throughout the life span, and shapes future generations. For these reasons, society must be committed to the family and must provide the resources required for maintaining the family’s integrity and well-being. Through the child welfare system, society demonstrates this commitment by supporting prevention and intervention services directed at decreasing the evidence of family breakdown and increasing family stability. The social work profession, recognizing the centrality of the family unit, works toward the preservation and strengthening of families. To embrace a philosophy of empowerment, social workers must recognize families’ competency and capacity for chance. But families cannot provide for their members without access to resources. Empowerment-based social work redresses social issues affecting families—poverty, discrimination, homelessness, unemployment, and access to health care, among others.

Keywords: Children and Families, the Child Welfare System, Fields of Social Work Practice

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